Hai Cohen
Hai became paralyzed from the chest down following a jump into the shallow water of a swimming pool when he was 14.
Graduated from The Sam Spigel Film & TV School. Creates documentary films.
Married to Ilanit and a father to Noach.
Dancer, teacher, co-manager with Tali Wertheim the Integrated dance center - Vertigo Power of Balance.
Practices CI since 2000 and specializes in disable and non-disable CI with leading workshops and different projects for people with mixed abilities in Israel and abroad (U.S.A, North Ireland, Latvia, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Germany, France and Turkey).
Performed with “Vertigo” DC (Israel), “Echo Echo” DC (North Ireland) , DIN A 13 DC (Germany) and in independent works with Maya Resheff, Alex Shmurak and Tali Wertheim.
Created a full-length dance piece together with Alex Shmurak, for the Adunga Dance Company, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Vertigo Power of Balance - Integrated dance center - offers:
Professional Integrated Dance Teachers Training Program
Integrated Contact Improvisation workshops for people of all abilities and ages, and no prior dance experience required.
Integrated Dance Lecture Demonstration – mixed ability dance performance complemented with an experiential Contact Improvisation session and an open discussion with the artists.
Annuals programs in schools
Performance repertoire
FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1479646182273829/