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יניב מינצר
מורה ומתרגל מזה כ12 שנה, לימד בקבוצה ביפו, האקדמיה בחיפה ובירושלים, להקת ורטיגו, קולבן דאנס, ובעוד מסגרות עצמאיות בארץ ובחו"ל.
מטפל בשיטת אילן לב, מזה כעשור, מלווה קורסי הכשרה בארץ ובחו"ל.
yaniv mintzer
dancer, musician, teacher
2003, Graduate of "Rimon school of Jazz", Israel. vocal performance major.
2005, Graduate of BA program at Berklee college of music.
recipient of international scholarship.
Since 2005 working with various choreographers, in israel and abroad, as well as theater productions, making live music and compositions.
amongst the artists I worked with are:
Iris Erez, Ilanit tadmor, Anat danieli, Shlomit fundaminsky, Tmuna theater ensemble.
made work for: the 2008 Israel festival, 2009 International Bat yam street performance festival, 2008 international Avant-gard music festival, 2009 "voice of a word" and "a-genre" fringe festivals, 2009 "Mahol lothet" dance festival, 2011"curtain up" dance festival.
international productions: 2008 "zawirowania" dance festival in Warsaw, Poland, 2009 "re-vizye" art festival, Warsaw, 2009 "moonrise" music festival in Slovakia, 2010 Tokyo contact improvisation festival, 2013 Solo for Cyrkulazya festival in Wroclaw Poland, 2013 "motion ensemble" performances in Derry, Ireland.
dancing Contact improvisation since 2004. training in USA, europe and israel, amongst other with- andrew harwood, chris aiken, nancy stark smith and martin keogh.
Since 2008 touring internationally as Contact improvisation teacher and performer, in : Russia, Japan, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Ukraine. teaching in festivals as well as private workshops and performance projects.
practitioner of the Ilan lev method, treating dancers from leading companies- bat sheva, vertigo and others.
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